
When making a non-GET Inertia request, via <inertia-link> or manually, be sure to always respond with a proper Inertia response.

For example, if you're creating a new user, have your "store" endpoint return a redirect back to a standard GET endpoint, such as your user index page.

Inertia will automatically follow this redirect and update the page accordingly. Here's a simplified example.


class UsersController(Controller):

    def index(self, view: Inertia):
        return view.render("Users/Index", {
            "users": User.all().serialize()

    def store(self, view: Inertia, response: Response):
        errors = self.request.validate(
            validate.required(["name", "email"]),
            validate.length(["name", "email"], max=50),
        if errors:
            return response.redirect("users.create")

        return response.redirect("users")

External redirects

Sometimes it's necessary to:

  • redirect to an external website

  • or even another non-Inertia endpoint in your app, within an Inertia request.

This is possible using a server-side initiated window.location visit

url = ""
return view.location(url)

This will generate a 409 Conflict response, which includes the destination URL in the X-Inertia-Location header. Client-side, Inertia will detect this response and automatically do a window.location = url visit.

Last updated